Intellectual Property Solutions,<br>Trademark Registration, Copyrights

With the increased global focus on intellectual property (IP) rights regarding their protection, monetization, and enforcement, the CILTrust Group realized a need for a dedicated arm for IP solutions to serve our domestic, regional and international clientele.
Because the trademark and patent process is complex, has strict requirements, and is highly subjective, it is important to draft an application carefully to avoid future complications.  At the same time, the cost is always an important consideration when protecting intellectual property, and the high cost of corporate legal representation can stifle inventiveness and overburden small businesses.
CILGlobal IP understands these concerns and has conceived of a large and small entity fee structure combined with a flat-fee payment system based on projected hourly work to suit the needs of all clients. Our dedication to personalized service, our strategic network of partners through the CILTrust Group and our membership within the International Trademark Association (INTA) makes our firm your choice strategic partner when protecting your intellectual property.
You can contact CILGlobal experts at or call +011-501-22-33738.
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