Legal Notice

Legal Notice

Last Updated: Jan 3 2022

All information on this site is for informational purposes only. No information or materials posted on this site are intended to constitute a legal or binding relationship. The information contained herein, the perusal of it, neither establishes nor constitutes a fiduciary relationship with CILTrust International Inc.. All services, agreements for service, and vendor relationships will be executed via a written contract or letter of mutual understanding.

CILTrust International Inc.makes no warrants or claims as to the accuracy of content posted on this website.

Sending e-mail does not establish a fiduciary relationship of the sender with CILTrust International Inc. or any of its associates or partners. The sender of the e-mail has no expectation of privacy, privilege, or confidentiality either in the content of any message sent, or the identity of the sender of any message to any mailbox found on this domain. This also applies to any web property under the ownership of CILTrust International Inc..

CILTrust International Inc. takes no responsibility for links or content of other sites. Browsing this site or any site of or any CILTrust International Inc. linked site is at the risk of the web surfer or website visitor.

© 2024 CILTrust International Inc.

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