Trademark Registration

In 2000 Belize joined the World Intellectual Property Organization ( and signed onto the Patent Cooperation Treaty (articles). Since doing so, Belize has enacted a comprehensive set of modern Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) registration and protection laws.

What CILTrust International Inc. Can Provide

Allow CILTrust International Inc. utilize their expertise and network of specialists in assisting you with any of your intellectual property needs. Our established legal subsidiaries can accommodate all your needs, and even offer consultation in other jurisdictions as well.
To learn more about Intellectual Property in Belize and CILTrust’s services feel free to visit this page. We are currently in the process of establishing a website for CILGlobal IP, but in the meantime, you can contact us and speak with one of our specialists by using the contact form or by email at  You can also fax us your inquiries at +011 501-223-3501 or speak to our main office at +011 501-223-3738

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